


Letter to myself:

It’s been a long time coming, but you finally arrived, and it couldn’t have been a second too soon nor late. ;-). Chabelita, you are now attuned to the Holy Spirit and all within you from birth. You are now ready to let go of everything that is not you and not aligned with your destiny. I know you love people and want everybody to be cared for, love one another, and just be. But here’s the deal, Chabelita. You came into this world alone, and alone you will go. And in the meantime, I want you to enjoy your life to the fullest without compromising your integrity.

I know you have a pure heart, which has been taken advantage of many times. And I know you are so giving because you are God’s servant. But, dear, it’s time you take care of your heart and listen.

Run to those who adore you and ignore the rest. But wait, you ask, Jesus didn’t do this. He loved unconditionally, didn’t he?

Yes, but He spoke in parables, and those who understood followed.

I know, Chabelita. You are grieving, but you still must be true to yourself and not succumb to anything less. So tonight, yes, enjoy yourself, and write to me. I am your inner child who loves you unconditionally and will never leave you because I am in you, silly. 😉

And you know what? The shoulder heaviness you have been getting and those migraines are all because of the same thing. This situation must stop. You don’t owe people anything.

Whispers from God drift peacefully through her mind as she captures those thoughts in writing: Go ahead and continue your journey because you are on a unique path. And even though you have some faults, as most mortals do, you will make it to my amazingly gold gates, full of silver. And yes, your brother Mike is there, and so are your parents, grandparents, and ancestors who came before you. Even they know you.

But listen your job on Earth isn’t done yet. You have a ministry that is needed. My kids need you. Please don’t leave them nor forsake them. Continue to love them as you do. Continue to listen as you do. And even though you sometimes get weary, you will soar like the eagles. Listen and remember my promises, Sadie Isabel… Chabelita… your parents gave you that name for a reason.

Let me into your life, and adopted or not, you are my masterpiece. I know you have read the story of Esther and how I blessed her to become a Jewish Queen of the Persian king Ahasuerus and yes, she too was adopted!

So yes, continue your journey, and be you. Never allow the enemy to destroy what I laid in your heart when you were born, and always remember that you and I are best buddies.

— 2 May 2014

This excerpt is from my first novel, Angels I’ve Met Along the Way.  To check out my books, please visit my website link.   You will see my other works and again, thank you in advance for stopping by.

To learn about your Inner Child, I invite you to click on this link


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