


Hello and happy rainy Friday…2 updates on my writing projects:

a.) Poesia: Bearing my Soul with Each Passing Sunset is complete now and soon with be “live” on Amazon.
b.) I have also procured a narrator/producer for the audiobook of Angels I’ve Met Along the Way soI  am very excited for those that prefer audiobooks!
Enjoy this poem that was inspired after I read my 40-some years of poems that I hope you will enjoy soon.

“My Transfiguration”
Flying amidst the heavens, she wakes up to majestic heights.
(And is again jolted to other uncharted territories of her psyche.)
From that child atop the washbasin to the woman atop the mountain.
From that young naive girl to now bearing her heart to all (without shame.)
From dreams which are not linear…to life coming full circle.
From being shaped by them…to being shaped by life.
Is anything ever final in this universe? Do we just transform?
Did Peter, James, and John realize the “light”would change them…
(That fateful day on that mount?)
Did I realize the “light” was there always…as I walked my path?
Did I realize my “work” was to get it right with HIM?
Yes, “there is no frigate like a book,” as my sweet Emily reminds me.
Yes, there is no “work” as important as my “work” with HIM.
(Isn’t it one and the same as it is with man?)
There is no more washbasin.
There is no longer a naive young woman.
There is no trepidation now…I permit the Universe to gift me.
Yes…Yes….to healing, life, and long, soft, and soulful sighs…
Yes…Yes…to living in the present moment
Yes…Yes… (to “Kotsu Kotsu.”)

(Thank you for your support and encouragement and I promise you will enjoy the projects.


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