

Hello, my dear readers, just felt like sharing a chapter draft from my second book.   Feel free to comment and enjoy.


Life is a mystery and we can transform out negative thoughts into positive ones almost instantly. Dr. Kelly remembers how Pastor Mark Batterson, in his book The Circle Maker explained it so beautifully.

“While God’s power is technically measureless, the prophet Isaiah gives us a glimpse of God’s omnipotence and omniscience by comparing them to the size of the universe. The distance between His wisdom and ours, His power and ours, is likened to the distance from one side of the universe to the other…In one minute, light travels 11 million miles. In one day, light travels 160 billion miles. In one year, light travels an unfathomable 5 trillion, 865 billion, and 696 million miles. But that’s just one light-year. The outer edge of the universe, according to astrophysicists is 15.5 billion light years away! If that seems incomprehensible, it’s because it’s virtually unimaginable. Yet God says that this is the distance between His thoughts and our thoughts.”

As she writes and meditates this Fall morning, one of the many beautiful doves returns to feed in her yard.   She is on her right mission and God will never derail her. Of course, she will have doubts. And this is where we all have to remember that our dreams and desires aren’t bigger than God; God is 15.5 billion light-years bigger than that! Cycles are circles, and cycles are seasons, and she is coming into her season. The season of turbulence is over and she is now in the season of Restoration.

9/22/18: Writing in her journal, calmness abounds.

The dream I had last night was so comforting. This young child was strong, brave, precocious, had braids (albeit lighter), and she was so positive. I remember me having to tell her that I had witnessed her mother’s boyfriend being chased by policemen.   I didn’t want to tell her and when the dream ended, I didn’t. The little girl was getting ready for a party or something so I didn’t want to scare her and ruin her moment. My sister Rossy and I were in a huge truck (light brown with monster tires…) The child’s mother reminded me of either my BFF or a client of mine…Not sure; but I did not tell her about the car chase I had witnessed in Mier. The plaza. A plaza I had walked as a young child in Mexico. The child’s last words in my dream were “I love ya!” She looked so lovingly happy as she smiled at me. Looking up at my baby picture, I woke up with a smile on my face and I was happy! 

Again reaching out to her BFF Angelina, she trusts her judgment and guidance for the interpretation of dreams. She is in the office this Saturday feeling calm and balanced. She made arrangements to see one client. Probation, but he hasn’t shown up. She will not be contracting with the government with this particular clientele this year. Another bidder got it. “Unanswered prayers from God,” she is reminded. Then she remembers how she had been feeling emotionally drained as some of them shared their stories. A negative energy permeated their space at times; yet she enjoyed working with most of them. She believes, in her mind, that God is protecting her. She has once again begun to work with undocumented children and minors more frequently. Again, her life comes full circle. Yes, she believes that God is closing some doors and opening new ones! She refuses to be among 90% of the women who according to statistics, stress over money. She must believe that the only thing constant IS change and her mother’s words will soothe her: “Eres un soldadito…” (“You’re a little soldier.) Did she mean a soldier in God’s army? Did she mean a soldier for justice? Or did she mean a brave “soul der.” Hmmm…she smiles, looking up to the heavens.  Amazement is hers as she remembers the Biblical truth:

I will bless the LORD, who hath given me counsel: yea, my reins instruct me in the night seasons.-Psalm 16:7

Quinn has been reaching out to her more and more.  Must I respond or just let it go? she thinks?

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