“Peace Within Through Meditation”

The peace I sense and feel within when I meditate is unlike anything I’ve experienced. Despite what is going on around me, my heart and brain are connected to the Divine. It is of vital importance that I continue this every morning. afternoon, and night as I evolve into the woman I now am…and will become. If I continue listening to my inner soul, I can (and will)find all of live’s answers.

You can too! I encourage you to use meditation daily to heal from any past or present wounds.

Do share how you have found peace within in the midst of chaos. It is only through sharing that we can all benefit from each other.

Picture courtesy of FB.


    • Mary Ellen Greenlee

    • 5 years ago

    Thank you Sistarrrrfriend for sharing such a strong motivation and to continue focus in my life long journey.. blessings ❤️🙏😘🙋‍♀️

    1. So glad you enjoyed it!!!🥰

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