As I began my day this morning in front of my computer, I looked up at one of my “sticky notes” and I reread what I posted in the beginning of the year: “And no one puts new wine into old wineskins;otherwise the wine will burst the skins, and the wine is lost, and so are the skins; but one puts new wine into fresh wineskins.” 

I peek at this reminder from God often and it makes much sense to me.  I work with clients on a daily basis who are haunted by their past and wish they could’ve done things differently.  They ask me how I can help them “forget the past and move forward.” These are grown men and women who are successful in their careers, as mothers and fathers, etc. and they want to erase and forget their past.  I smile because I know this cannot be done any other way but by focusing on the Word of God as Mark reminded me that first day of 2019.  (Of course there is retraining of our brain; but by meditating and surrendering to scripture does help). 

I too at times ruminate on my past and wish things were as they were then; yet it is futile because it will NEVER be like it was then. We must be realistic and accept that everything that has happened in our lives is what God intended for us.  This is the only way I have found peace in my life and I pray the same for you! 









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