Dove for Poem



“There She is Again…”

…the lone dove, perching on the old, rugged, rustic fence.

She turns to the left, she turns to the right….and at times, stares straight at me!

Gently ruffling her feathers, a beautiful, shiny, white, and brown ornament on her breast she exposes.

She gazes at me.

(And again a few days later…as the abundance of rain comes…she visits for more than 45 minutes)

Wow!!!  Wow!!!  Wow…a million times Wow…

Yes, I feel you…I sense you…the impalpable peace I soak in.

AS yet again she intently pierces through my eyes…searching for my soul.

(The rain doesn’t bother it, the cold air doesn’t scare it, her royalty shines!)

Regal, not demanding an audience.

Calm amidst the frigid Texas morning…dry as the manna falls about her.

AS Yet again the wind caresses her dazzling ornament.

(As the rippling waters allow me to be.)  (As the rain about her bathes my heart.)

What are you thinking, Dove?

Who sent you here?

Tell me your fears…

Do share your light and show me the wonders of your flight. 

(I’m listening… your gentle passion I savor)

(I will build you a home…next to mine…high above it ALL…and touch the sky.)

AS Yet again, staring back nobly, she reminds me…

(Of the Holy Spirit in form of a dove…of its Infinite sealing power)

What a glorious morning it is…when just but mere yesterday, there was pain, there was discomfort.

What a splendid morning it is…

(knowing we CAN begin again.)  (And again….and again……)

11/15 and 11/19/22



    • Ludie Garcia

    • 2 years ago


    1. Thank you, Ms. Ludi. Be well and blessed!

    • Matthew Atterberry

    • 2 years ago

    Beautiful post. God has amazing ways of speaking to us. I was a witness in seeing that dove across on the wooden perch on yesterday November 19, 2002. The dove was utilized as a symbol to let me and Isabel know that everything is going to be okay. The dove was not fazed or intimidated by the cold rainy conditions. The dove fulfilled its mission and worked out the situation for Isabel’s family situation. A powerful lesson in having new beginnings with JESUS CHRIST on your side.

    1. Thank you Matthew for your testimony as well. Be well and blessed.

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