
I have made a conscious effort to meditate daily with God. This week, on two, maybe three different occasions, the Holy Spirit has “talked” to me. Some of you might be laughing or shaking your head at this point as you read “talked.” That’s okay, I’m not here to force my beliefs on you. I merely am here to share and if it helps you, awesome! If it doesn’t, you may ignore it, but you are reading this because you were drawn to this post, right? Or maybe someone shared it with you.

First, I received an email from a psychiatrist in California asking about my daughter. He wrote that I had given him a ride and we had discussed my daughter’s needs. Hmmmm, I thought. First of all, I don’t have a daughter and secondly, I don’t live in California. I hesitated for a moment and thought perhaps it was just another scam. After reading the email, I decided to respond to him and share his message:

Merry Christmas:

This is Dr. Steven Dilsaver. You gave me a ride a few years back and told me about your daughter’s needs. I ask, “How is she doing?”

An essay was prepared to share with my patients and others this Christmas season. I elect to send it to you. 

I am a psychiatrist who provides services in Imperial County. 

There are seven pillars of my practice of psychiatry. These are:

Healing through the appropriate use of medications

Healing through the skillful use of language

Adherence to a sound diet

Getting the appropriate amount of exercise

Getting the necessary number of hours of sleep and maintaining good sleep hygiene

Nurturing healthy, strong interpersonal relationships

Entering a state of peace  with God, and fulfilling one’s purpose for having been created through the Lord Jesus Christ

The practice of psychiatry can accomplish a great deal. I have seen great things in the course of a career of over forty years. However, the field of psychiatry cannot provide the answers to the greatest of all questions, such as, “Why do we exist, and what is the purpose of life?”

Recently, a teenager and a young man asked me the great question, “What is the purpose of life?” I responded with words taken from the Westminster Confession of Faith (1648). The words are:

“Man’s chief end is to glorify God and enjoy him forever.”

I desire that all have the fullest life conceivable and to have the joy of fulfilling their reason for being. This is the reason why you are receiving the essay that is attached.

 Merry Christmas, 2023

Secondly, as I listened to two different podcasts this morning, the message was the same: Acts 19, which emphasizes the power of the Holy Spirit exemplified in Paul’s interaction with those in Ephesus. In it, he reminds us that God wants to fill each of us with the same Holy Spirit so we can walk in his strength. Paul was in Ephesus and he was spreading the gospel. He was at the right place at the right time and he allowed the Holy Spirit to lead him, just as I am now.

Thirdly, a young lady (whom I will call Sarah) texted me last night that she had enjoyed reading my blog. Upon texting further, she told me that when she showed her mother one of my videos, her mother instantly recognized me. You see, years before, her mother and I had attended the same church and belonged to the same prayer group at our pastor’s home. About a year earlier, Sarah and I had inexplicably been drawn to each other as we worked out at Gold’s Gym. Last night, the reason became clear to both of us. Our Spirits knew, huh?

I invite you to read the following scripture and meditate on it as you make decisions today: Acts 19:1-11.

Dr. Dilsaver and I have communicated since then. His practice is at El Centro, California where I used to pick grapes as a teenage migrant worker. Hmmmmm…We both agree and believe that in life, there are no coincidences. I was meant to receive these messages.

Merry Christmas and may you remain open and receptive to the Holy Spirit’s promptings and gifts.

Update 12/7/23:

On Wednesday evenings, we meet at my home for our weekly prayer meetings, but throughout the day, a small quiet voice kept telling me to meet elsewhere. Barnes and Noble and Moonbeans were suggested, and we chose Moonbeans, a quaint, quiet coffee shop around the corner from my home (which was pet-friendly for Shadow, my niece’s constant companion). As I walked in, I noticed a large lounge area that was perfect for my group, but a young man was occupying it. He seemed focused on his laptop so initially, I didn’t want to disturb him. I had no choice because the other areas were taken by college kids on their laptops, savoring their coffee, and mingling about. When he saw us approaching him, he motioned for us to sit. “Ummm…I’m expecting a few other friends for a prayer meeting, we might bore you,” I said. Smiling, he replied, “That’s okay, I’ll be listening.”

And listen, he did. Imagine five of us middle-aged people breaking bread and this young man looking over his laptop as we talked! Not wanting to disturb him much, I was curious as to how Generation Z feels about the plight of the world and the current college narrative. He shared that he agreed with what we were talking about and that his University was beginning to get a bit progressive, but we left it at that. You know what they say about Religion and Politics right? He was a Junior, majoring in Biology (with dreams of becoming a Physician’s Assistant).

As we were leaving, he shared that it was his first time at Moonbeans (as was ours) and voiced he would like for us to exchange phone numbers. He had been looking for such a group. Oh MY!!! My heart smiled and did a few somersaults!

We walked out of Moonbeans shaking our heads and KNOWING that God will speak to us as our relationship with His son Jesus, strengthens. It is when we follow the Holy Spirit’s promptings, that we are in the perfect will of God.


    • Matthew L. Atterberry

    • 7 months ago

    I was a witness to last night’s interaction between the young man Reuben and my roommate at Moon Beans. Rueben was very receptive in learning y listening to five prayer warriors talking about God’s Word. The lesson is always listen to prompting of The Holy Spirit. As I thought about that interaction, I read Matthew 7:6. I’d always like to read a chapter of The Bible on the date of the calendar in the morning prayer with roommate. In Matthew 7:6, Jesus said do not give dogs what is scared do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces. The point I’m trying to make is Rueben did not react negatively because my roommate spoke to him in a way that was loving and not forcing her beliefs on him. Reuben was receptive and was really paying attention. I believe in m heart Rueben has received the seed of building his house on a rock. The reason I say that is because Jesus makes it clear at the end of The Sermon on The Mount in Matthew 7:24-25 that one who hears these words and puts them into practice will be like a wise man who builds his house upon a rock. When the rain came, streams rose y winds blew and beat against the house but it did not fall because it had its foundation upon a rock. Reuben exchanging numbers indicates he’s willing to learn more about God’s Word so that he can have life eternal. He is hungry to hear The Truth of God’s Word.

    1. Thank you, Matthew. Continue sharing your knowledge.

    • Ludivina Garcia

    • 7 months ago

    “Man’s chief end is to glorify YHWH and enjoy him forever.” <- I do agree this is our greatest purpose in Life. I also believe that YHWH has given us Free Will, meaning He doesn’t force us to love or glorify Him. We CHOOSE to do so. Also, it is very apparent to me the World is in the midst of Last Spiritual Battle, a war that started when Lucifer was cast out of Paradise with 1/3 of all the angeles who were also rebellious like Lucifer. Lucifer currently has dominion over the Earth see – Matthew 4:8-9: (Satan, Lucifer’s name after being cast out) cannot give what is not his, hence when he offered the Kingdoms of this worked to .Jesus, it is because they are his to give.

    As I was saying. I believe we are in the midst of the Final Spiritual Battle and everyone must consciously choose a side; Satan’s or YHWH’s because Jesus is returning…soon.

    1. Thank you Ludi for your thoughts!

    • Ari Salinas

    • 7 months ago

    I don’t have wise words of wisdom or relevant bible verses to quote but I would like to share something that I was told by a woman that served as a police chaplain for a police department that I once worked for. She told me that when she gathered with friends at a local restaurant, she would say grace out loud and she would also ask for GOD to help anyone in that establishment that needed him at that time. She told me that before she left, a woman approached her and tearfully thanked her. She said that the woman was going through some difficult times and to hear that someone was praying for her made her feel hopeful again. Now, my wife and I always ask for those in the establishment that need prayer as we give thanks for our meal.

    1. Thank you Ari for your wise words of wisdom which you do possess. May God continue to guide you and your wife always. I appreciate your support. Happy Holidays.

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