
I celebrate me, the 2-year-old quiet and observant toddler— waiting to JUMP!

(Me at about 2 years old. I believe my sisters placed that scarf on my head…LOL)

(towards life with  its lessons-a-plenty)

Of mountains I’ve climbed, and oceans I’ve sailed…..of tumbles I’ve taken and victories I’ve held.

Of iridescent sunsets along foreign soil (and the ones most cherished which are closest to home.)

I celebrate me…and the air in my lungs…my light, gentle eyes… (the open windows of my soul.)

….of skin not as supple; yet delicate to its core.

….of dances upon the sill… my heart a-galore.

Yes, I celebrate me…and all that I’ve seen……And waiting no more for what could’ve been.

Of breathing the oceans, the winds, and the trees….The moon and the galaxies each with their breeze.

Yes, I celebrate me…that 2-year-old toddler still in my soul; yet NOW HAVING JUMPED afraid no more!

To the arms of my mommy, my daddy, and my brothers and sisters too.

To my lovers…my friends….and all that will catch me…(softly.)

To the NOW mature, free-spirited and independent woman…and those rich flowy meadows my mind still runs through.

YET, now always JUMPING without hesitation….

(towards that LIGHT which is Jesus….and ITS manifestation.)


maida isabel

Happy Birthday Chabelita!

British Isles, Summer 2019.


    • Doris corro

    • 4 years ago

    Beautiful poem sister you inspire me and always will … may god keep on blessing you and keep you safe… you’ve taught me so much and for that I am grateful .. Hapoy Biethday again and many many more 🎉🥳🎈🧁❤️❤️

    1. Thanks sis!!! Love you and keep using that wisdom…❤️❤️

    2. Thank you sis. You inspire me as well…xxx000xxx

    • Matthew L. Atterberry

    • 4 years ago

    You have an amazing gift of writing. The picture is a true reflection of total metamorphosis from childhood to adulthood. It is part of God’s Master Plan.

    1. Amen Matthew…beautiful words❤️❤️

    • gluwhite

    • 2 years ago

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    I will remember to bookmark your blog and will come back down the road.

    I want to encourage you continue your great posts,
    have a nice day!

    1. Thank you for reading my posts and share as you’d like.

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