


(actual iPhone picture was taken by author’s sister Maricela)


Seductively, Saturn’s rings slip onto Jupiter’s tantalizing fingers

Beautifully, breathtakingly, they interweave tonight.

Slanted angles emanate incandescent lights that flutter through.

As to-and-fro, the clouds softly are a-flight.

Dancing planets sighing…buzzing…rotating ahoy.

Heralding beginnings as the glitter falls…

Meteor showers tiptoe in… shooting stars are all a-joy

Galore with mystery no more?

Pitter-patter here and there… sparkles for all to stare…

Have no fear…tis just me: Your universe…Alive with flare!

A few more days till Christmas cheer

Like the Magi and Kings of Old…found Him, our Seer-of-Yore.

‘Tis like a Puzzle; life is…

Divine meandering pieces.

(… Upside down clouds and green trees ‘round the edges…

Closely in the middle pile… a scattered haze amidst the hedges…

and don’t forget the rocky seas.)

Life is like a puzzle… responsible are you for a perfect fit?

Or do you scatter them about and blindfolded reach for one?

Don’t force that piece just flip it around…Don’t nudge that other one and gently lay it down?

One by one… edge by edge… Middle by middle…what matters-is-a dream-like camouflage…

(Just as the Star of Bethlehem daintily pirouetted tonight)

(Just as 2020 is almost a-brew…and the only way out is through!!)


maida isabel–12/25/2020



    • Armida Ramos

    • 4 years ago

    Beautiful! Your words are vivid and again beautiful!

      • Maida Mascorro

      • 4 years ago

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts Army. I appreciate you reading❤️

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