(God’s light emanates throughout!)


There are times when all of us are gripped with troublesome thoughts.  This is normal.  For me, this sometimes happens at night as I lay down to rest.   I have to remind myself that I can choose which thoughts I allow in.  I envision my thoughts as leaves on a stream that keep flowing downstream or as airplanes coming in for a landing and I am the air traffic controller.   What best works for me is to pick up a comforting book and read it.  

We are in tough-pandemic-hangover-times right now: politically, we have never experienced such political divisions, economically, many are digging into their savings to make ends meet due to inflation being at a 40-year- high, and socially,  people are afraid to leave their homes due to high crime rates.     Is there any wonder why Anxiety has become the NUMBER ONE reason people seek professional help?   

As I’m reading a wonderful book by Max Lucado entitled, Anxious for Nothing, I felt compelled to share with you his written words: 

“Northeasters bear down on the best of us.  Contrary winds.  Crashing waves. They come.  But Jesus still catches his children.  He still extends his arms. He still sends his angels. Because you belong to him, you can have peace in the midst of the storm. The same Jesus that sent his angel to Paul sends this message to you: ‘When you pass through the waters, I will be with you.’ (Isaiah 43:2).  You may be facing the perfect storm, but Jesus offers the perfect peace.” 

Prayer is my “go-to” and to this day, it hasn’t failed me. Today, I encourage you to search within and do what works for you.  Remember that anxiety is normal and that it will pass.  You are your thoughts and with Mindfulness and other techniques, you will overcome those thoughts. 


  May you be happy, may you be peaceful, and may you find your “go-to.” 


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