
Ireland has quickly become one of my favorite places in Europe.  Not only does one of my heroines in my novel Angels I’ve Met Along the Way have ties there; but the countryside and people are true to heart.  Wales captivated my heart and soul as well and Anglesey is a place I could definitely retire to.  


On our way to beautiful Kinsale, Ireland, one of the settings in my first novel.
In my novel, Sadie meets Quinn at this bar. The amazing fact is that I wrote my novel two years before I actually knew I would one day visit it. Yes, God has already charted our lives and we just have to follow that spirit!
The countryside is spectacular and green strewn with cattle galore!
Kinsale, Ireland in the background. You will read about this “gourmet capital of Ireland” in my novel Angels I’ve Met Along the Way. Had I traveled here before? Yes, I do believe it was in a dream, an earlier life, or perhaps I’m living my future……….
A typical home in Cobh, Ireland.
I had plans to walk all the way down to the splendid light house; but as I did, the air got chillier and the wind stronger; therefore I turned back. Next time, you are coming with me!
As I walked down to the Lighthouse, the sight, sounds, and smells were spellbinding! I can still hear the hundreds of birds singing below, the crisp, cool air sting my face, and my angels rejoicing along with me!
A typical home/cottage near the famous lighthouse in Holyhead, Wales.

The South Stack Lighthouse is built on the summit of a small island off the north-west coast of Holy Island, Anglesey, Wales. It was built in 1809 to warn ships of the dangerous rocks below. 

May you live as long as you want and never want as long as you live. (Irish blessing)
Memories are made in an instant. Sensations they evoke, do last a lifetime!
May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind always be at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, and rains fall soft upon your fields. (Irish blessing)
This castle is home to an Irish family who seemed to be arriving as we passed by it on our way to Kinsale.
May the blessing of light be on you-light without and light within. May the blessed sunlight shine on you and warm your heart till it glows like a great peat fire. (Irish blessing)
Willie, my brother-in-law and I arriving in Holyhead, Wales
The harp is Ireland’s national emblem. In the days of old chieftains harpist were held in high regard. Stories were often told to the music of the harp and it encompassed the spirit of the country. Harpists used to travel the country of Ireland performing their songs and stories for the public to enjoy.
My sister Maricela waving at me across the street as we both realized that I was standing right in front of the bar in the novel. “Wow, look where I’m standing,” I hollered, as I realized I was in the exact spot we were looking for. Angels again? Hmmmmmmmmmm….
As we sailed past this lighthouse, a rainbow appeared heralding a safe smooth sailing towards our destination.

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