
Be Still. 

When one is silent, that inner voice yearns to be heard…
And allow the spirit to discern ALL things.

Don’t feed the lust…the desire will flee.

Don’t feed the beast…the beauty will follow.

Don’t fret the past…the present will lead.

Many lyrics have been written and still so many keys yet to be strum…

Retreating into divine mind comforts her….

As the San Francisco harbor lights bathe her soul….

And the clouds above pirouette to Lee Osker music and her beating heart.  

God’s harmonious mystical truths can only be found through questions…

So she waits….

And waits…..

And longs…

And allows for the present to fearlessly run…

And she waits no more…

As the mystery unfolds! 


7 Feb.23


    • Pimpis

    • 1 year ago

    The lust, desires, temptations will leave with hope the past will make one learn from one’s mistakes. If God is with us, who can be against us. Faith over Fear…all be will be okay.

      • Maida Mascorro

      • 1 year ago

      Yes, it will be okay, more than okay. xxx000xxx

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