


"Search, search, and then search some, love, and then love some more...slowly the puzzle pieces will pierce through the fog!"
--Maida Mascorro


Oh my goodness, I was surprised yesterday while conversing with a freelance genealogist I hired! As you might know, I’m working on a novel in which I honor my ancestors, and the research has been extensive yet enlightening at the same time.  She wrote:

“Hello! I wanted to give you an update on the research. I was excited to find compiled genealogies for two of your ancestors, and I found how you’re related to Alferez Miguel Martinez de la Garza (7x Great Grandfather), Salvador Vela-Olivarez (6x Great Grandfather), and Jose Florencio-De Chapa (7x Great Uncle). Further up the Chapa line, you are also directly related to Juan Bautista Chapa (9x Great Grandfather). “Juan Bautista Chapa was born Giovanni Bautista Schiapapria in 1627 in Albisola, Italy, and is now recognized as the “anonymous historian” of Nuevo León, Mexico.”

I had asked her to go as far back as possible, and lo and behold, I was at a loss for words, overjoyed, ecstatic, relieved, and every other adjective in the book, when Amy sent me information on one of my ancestors on the Garcia-Alaniz side. Now, I know I must continue this book no matter how long it takes. Now, I know where my passion resides. I know I have his writer-adventurer-historian-researcher-heart genes. I can’t wait to continue writing and honor him and all of my Mascorro and Garcia ancestors.

I invite you to follow the link below. Thank you for your time, and may you, too, follow your heart’s desire to search within for your roots!



    • Armida Ramos

    • 2 months ago

    Maida, I love that you’re doing this. I hope you finish this book soon. It’s so exciting to know a little bit of of our ancestors and where we come from.

    1. Hi Army, it’s an awesome experience to say the least, but am believing it will be finished in due time (with God’s help of course) and your support, Prima! xx00xx

      • Mary Ellen Greenlee

      • 2 months ago

      Absolutely amazing!! Thank you sistaaafriend for such an amazing piece of “ strong” research on our Mascorro-Garcia family!may our king of all kings! Continue blessing you with the gift of knowledge, wisdom, love, humility, compassion and the love for others! Papi and mami are rejoicing in heaven knowing that the seeds that once were planted here on earth are now producing delicious fruit to feed many .. many hungry souls! All for the glory of our lord.Jesus Christ!God bless you.

        • Maida Mascorro

        • 1 month ago

        Yes sistafriend, we truly are blessed and as I’m on my travel to Spain where our ancestors hail from, the peace and roots are felt here!!! 💕💕

      1. Yes, truly a blessing!!! xxx000xxx Thank you for reading and responding to my posts.

    • Ruby garza

    • 2 months ago

    Hey I’m so excited for you to have taken on this task. What a joy. Blessings on your looking, digging and expecting to find. Good bless you on your journey. Love you.

    1. Thank you Ms. Ruby for your love and support. It’s a task all right, but a good one at that!!! xx00xx

    • Mattew L. Atterberry

    • 2 months ago

    The work is amazing!!! The story is going to flow smoothly in God’s timeframe. It is important to know your roots so that you will truly know who you are and have a complete understanding of yourself. This project will be a worthwhile effort. All glory, praise, honor and credit goes to God Almighty on this story Isabel.

    1. Yes all the Honor and the Glory go to God!!! Thank you for taking the time to read it. xx00xx

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