

    • Ludivina Garcia

    • 2 years ago

    I couldn’t help but notice “wokeness” creep into a discussion of anatomy in the first paragraph when “gender identity” is mentioned as being “independent” of the presence of a 23rd Chromosome that is either XX (female) or (XY) male. True, there are people who are XXY, XYY and even XXX but happily they are relatively rare and unfortunately come with other medical issues. The Lord made us either men or women and to dismantle that is to IMHO, say you know better than the Lord. Men and Women are different….let’s celebrate the differences and recognize they are harmonious together! PS there is nothing in the literature about YY syndrome. Presumably, that genetic condition is lethal to a newly fertilized zygote and the cell perishes.

    1. Interesting questions you bring up Ludi! Let’s hope others come into the discussion.

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