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“What is inner peace and how do I find it, Doc?”  “Why am I always worried and at times I feel as if something bad will happen to me?  “What must I do in order to enjoy  my life?”

Questions like these I get often as I counsel my clients. Dealing with everyday issues can be draining and much more so during this tumultuous 2020. As the session continues with these clients, I listen and ask a few open-ended questions.  A very important one I ask is:  Would you like to tell me about your spiritual practice?

“Well, I try to pray sometimes, but I’m so busy all the time.”

“I wish I had one, but my husband, boyfriend, kids don’t join me so I become discouraged.”

“What’s the use of it Doc, this life is still shitty to me.”

Let me offer some suggestions if you’d like to enjoy life more. 

a.) Lay aside reasoning and trying to figure everything out. (Refer to Proverbs 3:5-6)

b.) Mind your own business.  (Refer to Proverbs 18:2)

c.) Pick your battles. (Refer to Phillipians 4:13)

d.) Forgive quickly. (Refer to Psalm 86:5)

e.) Love your self.  All of you even with your imperfections.  (Refer to Matthew 10:31)

f.) Stop feeling guilty and feeling condemned about your past. (Refer to Romans 8:1)

Read today’s Word and make this the best day of your life.  We only have this one that I’m aware of.  😉

Inner Peace – Saturday, November 28, 2020 | Daily Word


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