

Sadie has had time to reflect on her trip to the Holy Land this summer. As she meditates on this unusually frigid and chilly morning in her beloved Texas, a quote from her guided meditation reverberates in her heart.

“Nature often holds up a mirror so we can see more clearly the ongoing processes of growth, renewal, and transformation in our lives.”  (Author unknown)

As most writers know, when the urge hits, it hits right? Nature has claimed its course and it’s too cold outside to do much else but look into the mirror.

She has one session scheduled for today and she is mindful of this as well, yet she will attempt to put into words what has been in her heart for some time now.

You see, all her life, she’s been a lover.  Sometimes a fighter but usually just to defend this love.  Perhaps at times, this love hasn’t come across as the act of love, but ALL her life, she’s been a lover, not a fighter. This is an unshakable truth. She is a peacemaker.  She abhors hypocrisy and anguish, and quarrels, and she’s learned to set personal boundaries when called for.

You see about 20-some-odd years ago she met a man on an AOL chatroom and their friendship escalated pretty quickly.  Albeit a tad rocky from the start due to unknown circumstances to her then. Throughout their communication, their banter grew deeper and deeper.  It would ebb and flow as do the waves.  It would take high leaps and bounds only to later submerge back onto the bottom of the ocean as the feeders feasted.  Still, it remained as does a sunset…day after day.

Why? Not sure.  Some say fate.  Others call it destiny.  Fantasy? Happenstance? A coincidence?  Still, others cry out Stupidity. “Why place a question mark where God’s already placed a period,” she heard a pastor once ask.

Hmmm, perhaps, right?

Still throughout the years, despite her amorous relationships (and his), their frequencies jived from time to time. Naturally, they progressed to a physical relationship with all its ups and downs…mostly ups…changing with the culture of their time…and at one point, they even contemplated a permanent relationship.

Do you believe in frequencies? Or in holding someone’s space for a time? Time is standing still but yet everything is moving? The mere fact that despite the miles and the naught, we are connected to kindred spirits?  Have you ever heard of the “butterfly effect?” How about that electricity as you pass someone on the street and both of you turn at the exact same moment and smile? You know that sensation right?

Sadie does.  How else can you explain the span of 20-some-odd years becoming seconds? How else do you explain that the answer to “Who am I” and “Why Am I here” is the same? Haven’t millions of others before us also pondered these mysteries?

Sadie believes that at the core of every human being, our response to these two questions is the key to life’s happiness and understanding of consciousness. But who holds the key to this wisdom? For one, our ancestors, wouldn’t you think? Time and time again, one can find answers in the ancient scrolls, the written Word, hieroglyphics, and magnificent art, not to mention rituals and songs from hundreds and even thousands of years before us.

But are we consciously aware and do we learn from our past as we navigate our present?

Sadie believes that the relationships we get in and out of determine that elusive peace that eludes us at times. Sadie believes that it was during their interruptions that the greatest eruptions of the heart and soul occurred.

Too often, we wait on someone to give us all the answers to fulfill our hearts’ deepest desires.  “You complete me,” I once heard in a movie. Yet every time, we are fulfilled only as far as the other person’s own expectations and shortcomings can take us. So we fight! We flee towards the next! Or we freeze!

What if I told you that YOU already possess all the answers to your healing?  What if I told you that you alone hold each key to unlock your desires? What if I told you that whichever God you pray to, He/it listens?

Well! You too can tap into this supernatural phenomenon!

For Sadie, it occurred that day as she walked along the cobbled streets in Old Jerusalem.  She was no longer dreaming.  She was living the moment and asking Jesus the questions she’s had since a child.  She sensed she was walking towards a life so extraordinary that would now include self-healing, an extended life span, and continued deep intuition.  Her frequencies were aligned with Jesus’ own that day; but hadn’t they always? Don’t we all share His DNA?

She was poised and catapulted towards the most serene and best times of her life then and this frequency would now become a normal part of her everyday life.  No more “what ifs.” No more “maybes nor perhaps.” It was time to believe that she was “wired” to be extraordinary! Ancient and indigenous wisdom was now hers.  Deep consciousness was suddenly aroused, and she began to heal from the inside out.

No longer dreaming, she was fully awake! The mere fact that a few months later, that same man would beautifully and inexplicably mesh with her holding space, validated their connection from previous years. Was he too awake? Sadie didn’t judge, attach, or react to his gestures. She simply welcomed his energy, despite normal healthy trepidation.

They were both finalizing their own book and excitedly shared their journeys.  They were both healing and evolving from the urgency of a spiritual yearning all humans possess: UNITY.

Aren’t you?

(Suddenly, a jingle from a waiting room startles Sadie. She must take care of her responsibilities before reaching out to her editor who eagerly waits for the ending to All Roads Lead to Heaven)

” I must continue later tonight,” murmurs Sadie to herself as she walks to her computer and a scheduled session with her client.


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