
As I was reflecting on my daily prayer meditations this morning, I realized that, like Esther, I don’t have a mother or a father today. The thought is daunting, to say the least, but the memories of when they showered me with love, light, joy, food, and laughter fill my heart.

Tomorrow is Father’s Day; and as fate would have it this year, it is also my dear mother Manuela’s birthday. They are both in heaven, and I will not be able to hug them and love them as I once did when they were alive. I recall the Sundays when Father’s Day and her birthday would fall on the same day. My oh my, how we partied and celebrated then!

You see, I am the third youngest of 11 children, and on their special day, we would all gather at their home and rejoice! My older sisters would lovingly joke around with them. One would attempt to put a diaper on my Mom for her birthday (not without a fight, which by the way, she always won), and the others would pamper my father like there was no end! Jokingly, we would shower one with more love than the other and vice-versa. I s-o-o-oo vividly visualize those days as I write this. I would do anything to experience this festivity at least one more time!  I really would.

Perhaps you, too, are feeling the tugs of your heart as your father is in Heaven. And maybe it’s also your mother’s birthday. Or, for some, perhaps you lost a child, a brother, a husband, a nephew, best friend, a special Uncle, a surrogate dad and you remember their hugs and cards on their special day. Well, let me share the solace I received from meditating on the Book of Esther. Just as Esther came to the palace (an orphan), we too will one day be with our loved ones at God’s palace with many mansions as we are reminded “And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this…” (Esther 4:14) 

(If you’re not familiar with the Biblical story of Esther, I encourage you to click on this hyperlink https://www.learnreligions.com/book-of-esther-701112

We must remember that Our Father in Heaven (and the endless memories) can fill that void by looking to HIM for love, support, wisdom, and clarity. Let us not be sad on this Father’s Day. On the contrary, let’s enjoy this day with remembrance, anticipation, and beautiful memories, KNOWING that our beloved that left before us are merely saving a chair for us at that palatial banquet!

Personally, I will meditate on my father’s words: “Recordar Es Vivir!”


(Manuela and Arnulfo Mascorro at their 50th wedding anniversary. They were married 71 years and had 11 children.)


    • Gus

    • 2 weeks ago

    Thank you for sharing your precious memories with us. And embrace God’s promises that one day we will all be united in. Family reunion before God himself.
    One more, thank you Dr. Mascorro.

    1. You are very welcomed. God Bless you!

    • Pimpis

    • 2 weeks ago

    Thank you for Sharing Maida!

    The stories the memories but the never ending love both Guela and Guelo gave us is what I always carry with me. We are their descendants and carry on what they taught us…”Never Ending Love!”

    To Guelo, Mike, Kelin, my Dad “Kelo”, Martin and all those who have gone before us…Happy Father’s Day!

    Pero a la Reina de La Casa Mascorro…

    1. Yes Pimpis, God has blessed us with wonderful servant and loving genes. May their memory always keep us alive! xx00xx

    • Graciela

    • 2 weeks ago

    Bonitos recuerdos, Primita! We continue to honor our fathers in Heaven, and Happy Heavenly Birthday to Tía Meme.

    1. Thank you Gracie for your lovely thoughts. We are Family forever!!! xx00xx

    • Mary Ellen Greenlee

    • 1 week ago

    Indeed my dear sistaaaafriend! Those beautiful memories of our padres from than… have become the now and will remain what will come after us… there legacy will never died! Our future generations will know there beautiful love story! Arnulfo Mascorro and Manuela Garcia.. where our foundation of love, faith, hope, joy, humility, humanitarian, servants and most of all.. never give up! “ si se puede mijas” words of mamita! And” el valor Mas grande en este mundo.. es la unión y fuerza de la familia.. la familia primero”!!! Palabras de nuestro papito! Arnulfo Mascorro.Señores!Thank you my sweet sister! So blessed to have you as my “older” sister!!😻your beautiful baby suster! Nena Mascorro!Love you much🙏💕

    1. Yes indeed my dear older sister…May God continue to bless us all with their memories…love you!

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