
This morning, Dr. Kelly writes in her journal.

As I relax and have my coffee this morning, I’m content.  Glad in a way I don’t have to go into the office today.  Should I feel guilty that I’m happy being home? She sips on her coffee as the music from YouTube soothes her soul.  Why should I feel guilty? she thinks. It’s a Monday yes, but the workweek is just that…and anybody can start a work week accordingly right? But who am I looking for validation from? Why does it matter when I’m happy and trying to stay balanced? I am blessed that now I can choose my “work” days at the office, so I can take care of my health…chiropractor…allergist…or like this morning, just write!

I haven’t been writing, writing for my second book perse, but I am daily jotting thoughts, images, ideas, words, that come to mind; so perhaps it is writing,  I will let it go and just enjoy the moment.

She imagines if heaven is like this? Getting up (or will one ever need to sleep there?) and just letting the day dictate itself? Children running about the lavender fields and the birds singing beautifully. Her brother sipping on his favorite coffee, and her parents cooking breakfast.  She washing the dishes and laughter permeating the house.  Momentarily, she remembers that yes, heaven can be right where she is, and she will just enjoy the moment! The doves frolicking on the feeder, a car passing by, the music that imbibes and soothes her soul.  Thank you God for reminding me that yes, this is “my heaven here on Earth” and whenever the hustle and bustle of life weighs me down, I must just Imagine and come back to this moment I just created in my mind.  Or did I? She smiles again and continues with her day as the Spirit reminds her of one of the many promises.

“But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything, and remind you of all that I have said to you.” —John 14:26



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