
The historic freeze in Texas is almost over and it has been extremely difficult for many people.  Having lived in Texas on/off most of her life, Sadie doesn’t remember experiencing anything quite like it. Yet God was miraculous as he normally is and he spared her home from losing any utilities. No water pipes burst, electricity stayed on, and she was able to go on with her daily routine and be present for clients.  This 37-degree morning, as she sips on her coffee and meditates before beginning her day,  she glances at the family portraits and the picture of Jesus in a corner of her living room. She smiles with gratitude and speaks to the holy spirit that lives within her: “Thank you for being my rock,” she directs at her family and most importantly, at Jesus.

The words “rock” and “stone”, referring to the prime elements in ancient foundations, are used in scriptures as metaphors signifying strength, steadiness, and durability. The prophets of yesteryear used these metaphors in many ways, conveying an impression of the unshakeable character of God as well as the need for spiritual affinity in the foundation and structure of our own lives.

Sadie’s foundation is solid,  yet she was discomfited in some people’s behavior this week.   Of course, she too is human and she too has said and written things in the heat of emotions;  but when people spew vitriol after a person has died from an incurable disease,  she couldn’t wrap her head around this notion. .  She can’t understand how people can be glad that somebody has died!  Why do some people politicize everything?  Could it be because of their lack of spiritual understanding? Could it be because they are not entuned with their own purpose in life? Are they lacking so much that their lives have become all about politics?  Or could it be because their hearts are evil and dark?  Sadie will not judge and Sadie still believes that we are all born with a clean slate and basically are good people, yet Sadie is aware of the scripture in the Bible that does mention something about a “wicked heart.” She will have to go back and reread that scripture, yet this morning, she is merely trying to make sense of the state of affairs our country is in.

Rush Hudson Limbaugh III was an American radio personality, conservative political commentator, author, and television show host who died this week after a battle with lung cancer. Sadie was beyond herself when people were rejoicing, to say the least, that he had passed away.  Not only were they spewing their wrath and hatred, but their divisive rhetoric was despicable! Despite the fact that he was the most listened-to talk radio broadcast in the country and around the world, according to USA Today, he was also the brunt of those people who did not agree with his blunt and unfiltered love of America.

She had to look deep within, deep, deep within her soul and as she read the vitriol on Facebook, she made a commitment to not condone evil spirits and decided to unfriend a classmate.  Of course, it bothered her somewhat, yet as she realized that FB is not reality and merely one’s view of their reality, she came to terms with her decision and has not regretted it since. Of course,  we are all entitled to our opinions and beliefs, but “friends” that spew that type of malice, especially as somebody has died blurred her boundaries.    She refuses to associate herself with people who despite their claim of being Christians, words and actions do not quite mesh.  This morning as she reads about forgiveness, of course, she’s forgiven those that have hurt her, as she hopes that those that she has hurt have also forgiven her.

Still, she has no regrets. And she will pray for those people who maliciously rejoiced after the passing of this great icon.  This man was the conservative movement and this man’s legacy will continue through self-proclaimed “Rush babies.”

Sighing deeply, Sadie recites “May he rest in eternal peace Lord with you, may he find a place in your heavenly kingdom.”  The only and best solace that Sadie knows is that she continues to follow in His footsteps. She will continue to pray for the country and the division that currently exists.  As a therapist, she can understand how many people are depressed and oppressed and at “each other’s throats,” as a pastor recently noted.   2020 was a painful year with the COVID-19 pandemic and the thousands of deaths and 2021 has apparently followed suit.

Briefly, in the background, she hears Pastor Ed Young note “that there is a movement in America where people want it to be totally secular…One nation (not) under God,” he says….”if there is 100 seconds until the end of civilization, where can we find a Word from God Almighty during these difficult and divisive times?” he asks. …And if we disagree, we must focus on 1 Cor 1:10-11 in which God reminds us that there will be quarrels among us and that “These things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our instruction, on whom the ends of the ages have come.”

Hmmmmm, Sadie has decided that she is pulling back. She is taking a break from social media and not be a part of the political machines that are definitely well-oiled by the powers that be.   Yet she will continue to spread her message and beliefs that we must refocus and come back to the rock when things make no sense.  She takes out her journal, continues with her draft, and writes:

Thank you, Jesus.  I will have a wonderful day, peace to our land, to our world, and I know in my heart that I will never succumb to the enemy, to that dark voice, and to the evil spirits that are always lurking.  It it is you, Lord, that I will always look up to.


(This draft is inspired by: “In him, we live and move and have our being”; as even some of your own poets have said, “For we too are his offspring.” –Acts 17:28)



    • Ludivina Garcia

    • 3 years ago

    Rush was a very generous man. During his lifetime he gave millions and helped raised millions for various charities, including Towers to Tunnels and the Leukemia/Lymphoma Society. The former benefits the surviving spouses and children of First Responders who died in the line of Duty. Towers to Tunnels retired the mortgage of Mission Police Officer “Speedy” Espirecueta who was gunned down in the Summer of 2019 and did similarly for the families of the two McAllen Police Officers who were killed this past Summer. Of course, the Press never mentions Limbaugh’s involvement with these charities. When the time comes for Rush’s Will to be made Public, something tells me even the Irrational Haters will be astounded. On a side note, when Jesus appointed Peter to lead His Church:
    Matthew 16:18
    18 “And I tell you, you are Peter,[a] and on this rock[b] I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it.”

    Jesus was also making a pun, since Peter or “Petros” in the original Greek means “Rock or Stone”.

    1. Thank you, Ludi for your insights. I wasn’t aware of Rush’s generosity for our local policemen and wow!! I shared your comments on my FB page as well. I appreciate you and be well and safe.

    • Matthew Lloyd Atterberry

    • 3 years ago

    Reading Ludivina’s post about Rush Limbaugh’s generosity reminds me about a scripture that comes to y mind over and over. That scripture is Matthew 7:1-5 especially verse 1 which states “Judge not and you won’t be judge. Before you speak about someone, make sure get to know the person first. It is important to focus on the good qualities and characteristics of an individual because at the end of the day good always defeats evil. The press should always present the positive instead of the negative in people. Why does the press at times fail to report on the positive? Good question. Maybe a plausible answer is when one does good for others, he/she may not desire recognition because Matthew 6:3-4 states “But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.” Maybe the media who have dislike Rush Limbaugh would probably felt jealous of him being generous to various charities. People who give generously must have the right intentions and motives. It is easy to do good deeds when receiving praise or recognition. It is best to do the good deeds in secret without thought or reward. Lastly, we need to realize America was founded upon the principles of GOD and we are one nation under God (Jesus Christ) indivisible with liberty & justice for all.

    • Ludivina Garcia

    • 3 years ago

    Good point. Just this past weekend a spokesperson for St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital revealed a $100,000 donation from Rush. Limbaugh insisted his large donation be anonymous at the time it was made.

      • Matthew Lloyd Atterberry

      • 3 years ago

      Thank you Ludivina for your comment. When doing good for others, it is best to do it in a manner not to seek praise or recognition. Recognition must come from God Almighty alone.

    • Mary Ellen Greenlee

    • 3 years ago

    As I’m reading this post of Dr. Maida Mascorro,I feel her pain of sorrow, and not only for some “ignorant” comments posted on FB…by some so called “class mate”..And as I proceeded to read…more and more into this draft of “Evil Spirits?”..Can’t help but to think…Why can we as humans of this amazing universe learn to live and respect others opinions and beliefs?..without judgment? it due to there own weakness and failures in there own life’s that there minds are so enclosed?..And this is there ONLY way of making themselves feel “GOOD”?…It is obvious that…this people that posted negative and hateful comments to disgrace a “dead”person..Is absolutely disgrace.As for myself…Was not aware of this God’s man generous gifts to humanity… (yes our God created each and every creature in this universe)…And we are his children…never knew that Rush Limbaugh, was such a compassionate for those whom…were less the widows of first responders as described above by Ludivina Garcia.Isn’t this writing in the Bible?…James 1:27 Religion that God our father accepts as pure and faultless is this:To look after orphans and WIDOWS in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.And who are we to judge others?…”to whom He was not announced, they shall see;And those who have not heard shall understand”Isa.52:15…Thank you,Dr.Mascorro.for sharing todays lesson.May our father God continue blessings you for, every thing that you do for our community.

    1. Yes, we are all God’s creation. Thank you for posting your heartfelt words….xxx00xxx

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