
Hello Angels, I've handed over my final updated manuscript of Angels I've Met Along the Way to my editor. Now I can continue with my second book: All Roads Lead to Heaven. In it, Dr. Kelley finds herself in heaven....but since we all love a good love story; I am incorporating one into it....Here's part of what I wrote today....I must also preface this chapter by telling you that when I began this particular draft about 6 months ago, I had no idea I would soon be traveling to Ireland. When I was doing my research for Ireland, I chose the cities of Dublin and Cork. Well, I was floored when I got my cruise invite A few months ago from my sister and it included these cities; along with Belfast. (Fate? I am convinced now that YES!) 

(Chapter Draft)
It had been about 4 months since she hadn’t heard from him and she was allowing him to just be. Last time they spoke was last year and at times she becomes frustrated because she wants him to be happy. She remembers writing him a heartfelt letter and sending it off and then from him came “silence.”

Making up stories became her reality and she often thought “dark thoughts.” Did I mention something that hurt him? Did I come across as too pushy or controlling? But all I want for him is happiness, peace, and love again. I thought I was encouraging him? But here is where the truth lies! We cannot force our desires and our truth into anybody else’s heart; still, we should not stop trying until that spirit dictates for us to let go.

After her swim, she dials his number and it goes straight to voice mail. She hears his familiar ring tone so she knows he is still alive and that her number is still in his contact list. Grimacing, she continues with her evening and before heading off to sleep, she texts him. Lo and behold, she is stunned by a “blocked” error! What, he is blocking me now? Again, her thoughts scatter to that dark menagerie and she is saddened. What did I do? What did I say in that letter? I should’ve kept a copy for myself, she thinks. (Isn’t it amazing how without us knowing, the enemy has already sunk its ugly teeth into our psyche? Isn’t it awful when we start to question ourselves? Yes, it can happen to all of us if we let the enemy think he has won. This is where our battle begins and ends, in our mind. More specifically, the subconscious, that powerful battlefield where most of our important, life-affecting beliefs reside. It is here where we can reprogram our thoughts if we turn to scripture and remember God’s promises)

Which is what she does. She prays for her mind, for her discernment of spirit, and for Quinn. As she retreats upstairs to her bed, the phone rings and she sees “Quinn” on the caller ID.

Startled momentarily, she answers. “Hey stranger, how have you been?” “Oh same ol’ same olI’m returning your call.   She hears ocean waves and wind rustling in the background. She feels the excitement mounting as they communicate about missed opportunities and how he never received that letter she sent him...and how he would never block her calls...He actually thought he was bothering her and why he had not called...(Oh my God, she thinks; again, I allowed the mind to overpower me.)

“It’s still me, doing my usual but lately I've been riding the train from Cork to Galway, Dublin to Belfast and writing as I do…sometimes I feel very alone and I either ride my bike or ride on the train,” he voices.
What? You’ve been writing as you ride? She smiles back.
“Yes, it’s rather peaceful you know…just looking out the window, seeing the countryside and imagining my words come alive…You ever done that?”
“Actually Quinn, would you believe that I’ve never ridden in a train? Sure, I’ve taken subways but a real train train, no!”
Oh my, we will have to do so one day, you promise?” he asks.
Smiling, she responds, “I would love to.”
“Well there is this great stretch from Dublin to Belfast that takes about 2 hours and you can see in some areas the Irish Sea…its super tranquil…I promise you one day we will take it!”

(Wow, she thinks; he has continued exactly where we left off 4 months ago and here I was thinking the worst") "Or we could take a ride down to Kinsale where we met remember? I will never forget the pub, he voices.
“Of course, Kitty Ó Sé's Bar,” she finishes his sentence…how could I forget.”

The minutes turn to almost 2 hours and their conversation is heartfelt. He shares his daily comings and goings and she reminds him to keep his heart open. His daughter Tasya is his angel now and that her name means “resurrection, birthday.” One day he will see her in heaven.

Before hanging up, she asks if he would like to pray. “Sure, you pray please cause I wouldn’t know what to say.” Smiling, Sadie begins:

“Father God in heaven…thank you for this day and for our souls reconnecting tonight. I am aware that it is You that controls the universe and our fate. I pray for Quinn, that he finds the peace and love he desires. That he let go of the past and know that he is never alone. That he know how much he is loved by You. That he remember that his name means ‘wise and knowledgeable.’ That his middle name, Anthony means ‘worthy of praise.’ I also pray for myself Father God. Thank you for the healing in every way and thank you for loving us as You do…In Jesus ‘name, Amen.”

“Wow, that’s beautiful Sadie, thank you…I never knew what my names meant…thank you. I love you and will try to call you tomorrow.”

Her smiling heart echoes that she loves him back. As she turns off the lights, she slumbers off to Ireland and the uncharted seas she will soon sail to. Wait a minute! she thinks. Had he told her he loved her before? Had she? It sounded so natural!
Picture courtesy of FB



    • Angela

    • 5 years ago

    I love it, I want to read more!!

    1. Thanks Angela, it will be a while until it’s complete but you will😇

    2. Thanks Ms. Angela, I’m working on it….

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