
Dear readers, my first book is being edited as I write this new book and will be an even better expanded edition.   Due to my work schedule, I can’t write as often as I’d like to; but please be I won’t disappoint you. 

As Dr. Kelley runs this morning, two children frolic up to her as if welcoming her to their playground. They grab her legs and as she struggles to stay in stride, she glances down at their faces. What is this familiarity I see? “Que hermosa te ves hija y cómo te extrañado!” Did she just call me daughter? But she is just a child? Looking down at the young boy hanging on to her other leg, she recognizes a deep frown on his forehead. “Que hermosa mi cuadrito y ya me hacía falta verte…” I have heard that nickname before she wanders to herself. Who are these two beautiful kids who seem so full of joy and love? Where I and what am is this amazing splendor before me? What is this blueprint before me that unfolds with each stride I take?

Noticing their eyes, their scent, their way of looking at her, she sees appreciative souls. She sees divine love and gratitude as a soothing light emanating from their heart. As it expands, she allows it to permeate every cell of her body, radiating towards her, bathing everything about her and cleansing her sweat. She closes her eyes and allows this energy to flow, acknowledging that she is somewhere that is divine. Somewhere that she has never been to physically; yet a place that she has always imagined and has wanted to visit in her earthly body.

When you send forth your spirit, they are created; and you renew the face of the ground.—Psalm 104:30

Continuing with her run, her feet don’t touch the ground. She is soaring like an eagle as if floating and feeling no pain. What is this I see to my left? And to my right? What is this above me that goes on infinitely? Why am I so serene and why is the music getting louder and louder, angelic-like yet it doesn’t hurt my ears? Why have I never physically experienced this and why do I not know where I am; yet why is there such a familiarity about it? It feels like home!

“But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” –Isaiah 40:31

Sadie runs and runs and runs and does not tire. She listens for familiar whispers from God, but there are none. Where am I? Why do I fees such peace? Why am I not sweating nor winded? What is that enchanting sound I hear? Fumbling with the volume, she hears Coldplay then Lauren Daigle and was that Elvis Presley? Wow, there are millions of yellow cardinals! Where are the red ones? She remembers reading that a yellow cardinal is rare and that they are a one in a million mutations. But they are everywhere here!
There is no fear. Pinching herself to make sure she’s not dreaming, she feels the pain. Ouch!

Where are the adults, she thinks? As the children play everywhere: by the riverbeds, some on the monkey bars, others wading in the nearby pond. “Wait are those gold rubber pavements?

Anxiously, she speeds up, but her running is cumbersome now.  As she turns a corner, she stumbles slightly, and her ankle aches.  Again, she is blinded! She breathes heavily and stops!

Father God, she cries out!! Where am I? Please talk to me.  I feel scared and all alone.  Please Father, Abba, Please!!! Silence ensues and right in front of her, a flashing sign reminds her:

There are times in life I walk ahead with absolute confidence.  There are also times I might feel adrift when considering my next step.  During those times, I rely on the Truth that God is all, and I am a part of that Allness.  As such, I have absolute faith I am never further away from the guidance of Spirit than the simple act of returning my attention to Truth.  I may be human, but I am also divine.  My human eyes might see separation or lack, but when I look through the eyes of Spirit, I see Truth.  I see possibility and unity, and I see the path ahead with clarity.  I know what is mine to do, and I move forward with courage and conviction.

—“I will instruct you and teach you the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you.Psalm 32:8

She’s working on Less Worry this year, but this is way too much for her.  The beauty before her today is mesmerizing as the music peacefully soothes her soul.    She stumbles briefly again and her ankle really aches this time.  She looks to the left and is blinded by a magnificent waterfall. She follows its tail; yet there is no splash as it never hits the river below.  What? She thinks.

She set out for an early-morning run to grab the peace that sometimes eludes her; and now this?  Perplexed, aching, and defeated, she cries out one more time: Please dear God, where am I? Do you hear me?

Just then, standing before her is a man so amazingly handsome that she gasps momentarily. His olive skin, his deep blue eyes, and his shoulder-length hair aligns with his beard almost perfectly. His wool shawl with tassels hang loosely around his shoulders. His tunic wrapped about his waist accentuates his slim body as she catches a glimpse of his worn sandals and dusty feet. Her body softens almost-jello-like and she feels faint; but does not as a gentle force aligns her properly and immediately she notices that the pain in her ankle is gone! The piercing blue eyes look intently into hers and she sees her entire life.  From her birth to her present. The “movie” stops right where she is; staring intently into his eyes!

 Dancing amidst the seagulls she suddenly is terrified! Have I died and come to heaven? Who is this man standing before me and why am I seeing my life played out before me? Am I dreaming?

Smiling softly, he tells her, “Oh ye, of little faith, my dear child why do you doubt where you are,” He asks reaching out to her?   “Why do you allow worry, pain, and confusion to take over when you already know where you are?  Don’t you know this is your gift?  Aren’t you aware that I’ve witnessed all those countless hours you spend studying scripture and praising?  Do you not know that I am always with you ?  Why this constant fear?  Don’t you remember that I promised you that every little bird will be fed?  That you are healed?  That I will never be far from you?  Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?”

Oh my God, he just quoted scripture so eloquently, she mutters.  I remember that scripture in the book of Matthew.  “Come my dear, join me as we take a walk,” he motions, stretching out his left hand.

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