
We started this cruise in Amsterdam and 12 days later ended back in Amsterdam after going around the UK. I will be posting pictures and stories in separate posts. Enjoy this initial post which is from our last 2 ports: Dover, England and Cobh, Ireland.

Our seaports and route. We began in Amsterdam on June 12th and went up towards Wales, and around to Scotland, Ireland, England, and disembarked in Amsterdam.
Brilliance of the Seas, our cruise ship. The entire trip was flawless and we were treated like royalty. Staff is amazing, rooms and ambiance, excellent, and I have nothing but praise for Royal Caribbean!
Thank you Brilliance of the Seas, my home for 12 days, and to you OCEAN for allowing us to sail your azure seas so peacefully!
Arriving in Dover, England, my last stop which began in Amsterdam. Dover Castle sits in the background. King Henry II began the building of the present castle in the 1180’s and over the next 800 years its buildings and defences were adapted to meet the changing demands of weapons and warfare.
Dover Castle in Dover, Kent, England
This is me in front of the largest castle in England. It was founded in the 11th century and has been described as the “Key to England” due to its defensive significance throughout history. It is the largest castle in England.
My sis Mari standing on one of the many castle’s draw-bridges.
A prisoner’s view of the English landscape?


White Cliffs of Dover. This coastline facing the Strait of Dover and France, owes its striking appearance to its composition of chalk accented by streaks of black flint.
These cliffs stretch for 8 miles and reach a height of 350 feet. They are part of the Special Area of Conservation.
Resting before heading up to Dover Castle.
The immensity of this castle is spellbinding as one walks among its walls. Its position, commanding the shortest sea crossing between England and the Continent, has given it immense strategic importance from the Roman Wars to the Cold War in 1984.
Me with Dover Castle in the background
Some of the early weaponry.
At 83 feet high, just under 100 feet square and with walls up to 21 feet thick, it has 3 floors of rooms, the topmost being state apartments for King Henry II himself.
Actors wearing traditional clothing of that time. It has a huge system of military tunnels cut into the white chalk cliffs that date back to the Napoleonic Wars and most famously during WWII. They remained in use until 1984 during the Cold War.
As we arrived, the sun rising over St. Colman’s Cathedral in Cobh, Ireland reminded me of God’s eternal love and protection.
The craftsmanship of the many statues is enchanting. 
The Titanic Museum on the far right edge of the pier. If you look closely towards the left of the picture, you can still see remains of the old pier where the passengers boarded the ship.
The beautiful seaport Cobh, Ireland, the Titanic’s last stop before it’s fateful journey. Many of its 1517 casualties are buried in this city.
A selfie’s stick view of St. Colman’s Cathedral in Cobh, Ireland.
St. Colman’s Cathedral is Roman Catholic and it was begun in 1868. Its Neo-Gothic architecture is magnificent!
Prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
St. Anthony: Believers as myself pray for miracles and to relieve anxiety.
My sis and brother-in-law Willie in front of Annie Moore’s statue: The first immigrant to be processed at Ellis Island, N.Y on 1/1/1892. She was originally from here, Cork, Ireland and she departed from this port on 12/20/1891.
A statue of Sonia O’Sullivan, a Cobh, Ireland resident who won a gold medal in the 1995 World Championships and a silver medal in the 2000 Olympics Games.

Walking inside Dover Castle’s immense yards and experiencing the beautiful seaport of Cobh, Ireland was for me an experience that has only enriched my already-blessed life.Β  At times, I felt like a spectator, other times I felt like a tourist, but the entire time, I felt as part of history.Β  I imagined those soldiers and warriors atop the Dover fort, looking towards the sea as the enemy approached.Β  I imagined those fateful passengers of the Titanic, waving back to their families and looking forward to a new life in America, only to never arrive! I prayed for all of the souls that have gone before me and as I too boarded my ship, I thanked my God for allowing me the opportunity to see these parts of the world and landing safely back home!Β 

Β Post #2 coming soon: where you will join me to other seaports and experiences!Β 


    • Matthew L Atterberry

    • 5 years ago

    Beautiful pictures. They’ll come in handy for portions of the second novel.

    1. Yes Matt, they will…thank you for your comments!

    • Nina Worley

    • 5 years ago

    So beautiful and happy that you were,able to visit such wonderful places. Thanks for sharing pics can’t wait to read nexr,book

    1. Thanks Nina, I will upload many more as soon as I can. Next book will come along in time! Appreciate your comments. ❀️

    • miguel angel martinez

    • 5 years ago

    hi dr. mascorrow

    1. Got it, thanks for subscribing!

    • Doris corro

    • 5 years ago

    Beautiful pictures its like we are there with you . Thanks for showing us places we will never visit .. thanks for sharing β€οΈπŸ™πŸ»πŸ˜‡

    1. Hi sis…never say never😘😘

    • Doris corro

    • 5 years ago

    Beautiful pictures its like we are there with you . Thanks for showing us places we will never visit .. thanks for sharing β€οΈπŸ™πŸ»πŸ˜‡

    1. Glad you loved it!!!πŸ’žπŸ’ž

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