


I went up to the mountain to pray… meditate…and commune with my Lord.

I longed to reach the highest peak…

I longed to be invisible to the world and earthly temptations.

(The mire…the negativity…the vitriol…and the filth.)

(I needed to be Alone.)

So I prostrated myself at that highest summit. 

And I felt a rush of emotions…cascading as they did that scorching May day in Old Jerusalem…

I felt my heartbeat softly at first, then wildly….as the crescendo lulled to a vibrant song. 

Then I heard a silky voice…accompanied by a harp. 

“Stay like that…Stay like that…. reach out and touch the robe.”

And I sensed the divine…and I knew.

… the Spirit and the command. 

So I did.

As I reached out, I felt the clouds…the oceans…the wind…and the earth beneath me…

I smelled the familiar lavender… frankincense, myrrh, oils, pomegranates, and spices. 

Then I felt a mesmerizing PEACE.

That which surpasses all understanding…as I felt the energy, power, and authority. 

Majestically, all the roads opened….yellow canaries ate from my hand.

Hummingbirds danced before me…and the mockingbird sang exquisitely. 

The wars stopped…the bickering stopped…the divisiveness stopped.

Father, Mother, and Child became one.

…as I reached the outer edges of the heavens…

As the robe melted into my hands.

As I continued to heed the command.

Then again, I heard…

“It’s Okay now….let go of the robe…you may climb down. 

(It’s only figuratively…. you know…)

Go live your life with an open hand.

Go be the mother to the motherless.

Go be the friend to the friendless.

Go be wife to the widower. 

Go be the sibling to the orphan.

Go honor your ancestors…Finish that love story you started. 

The mountain is yours….the wind is yours…the oceans are yours……the spices and the oils are yours…the energy is yours…

We are synergy. 

Just breathe.

Yes, you may wear my robe…

…it fits a bit big, I know, but you wear it well. 

…clothe yourself in my nature.

(Now go and be that woman at the well.) 

(Go spread my message.)

(Don’t look back!) 


**Inspired by: “I shall walk at liberty, for I have sought your precepts.” Psalm 119:45

—18th day of June 2023

One Comment

    • Maricela Alaniz

    • 4 months ago

    Thank you for writing this Mikie. 💕

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