

Hello angels, I pray that you have read my first book, Angels I’ve Met Along the Way.  If you haven’t, I encourage you to do so.  Enjoy this chapter from the second book I’m currently writing.  In it, I have gone to Heaven somehow and I find myself talking to Jesus.  Intertwined in this book is a love story.  Don’t we all love Jesus and love stories?  


Among the doves that come to feed daily, I notice a beautiful lone white dove appearing as the sermon playing in the background reminds me there is power in the name of Jesus. “What a wonderful name it is what a wonderful name it is the name of Jesus! It is going to be a great day…Sadie does not worry about Quinn. It’s been a few weeks since they spoke. She missed his call; she called back but his voicemail picked up. He does not have a voice mail set up. She is friends with his sister Monae and she has mentioned how he is “so hard to talk to sometimes.” She will not take anything personally and just pray for him because that is what we are to do. Glancing up at the glittered “Hooray” birthday card he sent her, she recites a prayer for him in her heart.

Last night she listened to the news. She doesn’t usually listen; yet these are the midterm elections and she wants to be kept abreast of the projections. The news aren’t encouraging. Again, there were fatalities at a shooting at a synagogue in Pittsburgh.   The media is blaming President Trump for some pipe bombs an apparent deranged person sent out. On and on, depressive news. Yet there is hope as it seems that the American people are waking up and conservatism is making strides. Yes, we need to put God back into everything not just use His name when it is convenient. We must remember that this country was founded on conservative values.

Reading thru the book of Jude and meditating this Sunday, it is important to know what we really do have in common and know where we came from. Not the violent “common” that we possess but the true source of our commonness. The book of Jude reminds us we must trust God to keep us from slipping on that banana peel.   We must build ourselves up by spending time in God’s word and by praying in the Holy Spirit. We have to speak our truth and not worry about political correctness. Doesn’t the book of Romans remind us that God placed those people currently in authority? Do the reading for yourselves. Don’t just believe everything you hear or read. Seek the truth and it WILL set you free!

We must rebuke the enemy daily as the book of Jude reminds us. We must do this at its onset, before the claws have pierced our minds.  “The Lord rebuke you” Michael the arcángel said calmly as he was tempted by the enemy. We are fighting from within and not with our physical hands. God wants us to fight for our faith that we already possess. We are at a tipping point when we face our biggest battles; yet we must remember that God has already won the war. I want to land in the side of Greatness, Positivity, and Peace. Where do you want to land?  We must be bold and STAND. We must daily pay attention to our inner spirit and FIGHT for it and not grieve it. Finally, we must remember that the book of Jude also reminds us that God uses our weaknesses to be STRONG. (Wasn’t Moses a stut-t-er-er?) (Didn’t God use him to speak to the pharaoh and the people were set free? ) 

Yes,go out and get your victory NOW!!

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