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Do you ever feel a void; yet hear the Universe or God might be whispering to you? Is there a sense that something is missing; but you can’t pinpoint what it is?   What would you do if, in the process of receiving counseling, you had an inkling from the start, that your life was about to change forever? Running away and being fearful would be an easy solution, but would hiding from your true and authentic self lead you to that emotional freedom you yearn for?  Would you listen to your own heartbeats and allow for these whispers to guide you, or would you stay “stuck” in the humdrum of life? Sarah is a young psychology student who is searching for answers to strengthen her relationships.  She has had some losses, she is a “deep thinker,” and despite having a strong family background, she feels that something is lacking in her life.    Join Sarah as she allows her psychotherapist to explore the possibilities that the Universe, God, and her own angels will indeed heal her and subsequently find her true purpose in life.

***I will be honored by reading your thoughts on my blog as you are reading or have read my book.  I truly believe we are each others’ inspiration and teachers.  


    • Matthew Lloyd Atterberry

    • 4 years ago

    After looking at your post, I have to remind myself that it is easy to run from problems instead of confronting them head on. I think about how Jonah who initially refused to go to Nineveh and spread The Truth that Nineveh must repent or be destroyed. He ended up swallowed by a fish for three days and three nights. Then, Jonah realized his error and remembered God and God caused the fish to spit him out to dry land. This time, Jonah listened and obeyed God by going to Nineveh. the people of Nineveh listened and were not destroyed. The lesson is we can never outrun or hide from God. God has unique ways of getting our attention.

      • Maida Mascorro

      • 4 years ago

      Beautiful thoughts and yes, God does ways doesn’t he?

    • Yvonne Loya

    • 4 years ago

    I have been looking forward to reading your book!!

      • Maida Mascorro

      • 4 years ago

      Thank you Ms. Yvonne. Share your thoughts as you read it and God Bless you.

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