

Hi, I’m thinking of beginning a new blog whereby we share each other’s inspirational stories.  Tentatively I’m going to call it “Sharing Our Inspirational Stories.”  I will begin with Ms. Sarah’s story of remaining sober for 9 years now.  This pandemic has wreaked havoc on our mental health and a current survey by Jessie Hellman of The Hill (6/2020) reported that some people with substance use disorders have increased their usage during the pandemic.  A survey of more than 1,000 people conducted by the Addiction Policy Forum found that 20 percent said they or a family member have increased substance use since COVID-19 began. Four percent reported overdoses, and 1 percent of those were fatal, according to the survey.

Please share Ms. Sarah’s story with family and friends who might need this type of encouragement.

***** If you have an inspirational story, please pass it along to me so I can share it with others.   We can all be each other’s cheerleaders and much more so during these tumultuous times.


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