

The long-awaited follow-up novel to Angels I’ve Met Along the Way is ready for your enjoyment.

Click on this hyperlink and enjoy a synopsis of another labor of love and healing.

(Flip through the back cover to read about Sadie’s travels as she searches for her True North.)

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    • Matthew Lloyd Atterberry

    • 1 year ago

    The latest novel by Maida Isabel Mascorro is a must read. This novel will take you on a journey to show Jesus is The Way, The Truth, and The Life no man can cometh to the Father except by me and that me is JESUS!!!!!!! The journey Sadie embarks upon is a journey the readers will enjoy and learn important valuable life lessons. I urge all avid readers to please order a copy of this novel. It is well worth the read.

      • Maida Mascorro

      • 1 year ago

      Yes Matthew. Thank you for your thoughts.

    • Graciela Perez

    • 3 months ago

    Peace! All Roads Lead to Heaven is a beautifully written novel by Maida Isabel Mascorro. I was able to relate to so many things that Sadie experienced….her family, her losses, her emotions, and above all, her relationship with the LORD. This novel made me cry and smile at the amazing journey that Sadie confronted, and I found peace. This is definitely a book that readers will enjoy.

    1. Thank you for reading my book dear Gracie…Your comments are soothing to my soul and I pray that it reaches many other readers. It is in the act of sharing that we heal one another, would you agree? xx00xx

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