
The nervous Earth wobbles on its fragile axis today, crying out towards the heavens from whence the help comes. Jesus senses it immediately as he sits on the throne from afar; yet he remains calm. As he did that day shedding a tear towards Jerusalem, he gently cries out,
“Don’t be afraid, don’t ask why as the thousands perish, don’t doubt. My father once sacrificed me for your sake, remember? Yes, some of you are angry at Him, others are frantically turning more towards him, and yet millions are terrorized like never before by the invisible Enemy.
You too can look towards the hills, the heavens…the Earth won’t fall off its axis…not yet anyway, and I can clearly see the oceans’ swells shedding profusely. I can see its tears as I do yours.

This isn’t a time to fear my little flock…this is a time to uphold your faith and help one another, a time to pray fervently despite your beliefs. A time to unite as one and stop your bickering over petty things. A time for introspection and quiet reprieve.
As I was the sacrificial lamb once, perhaps my Father has chosen this time as a sign for all of you to stop Earthly sacrifices of your own and just look upwards…as I still do at times. It is sad, very sad, yes because many of you are losing loved ones. Many of you are losing your jobs and your homes. Yet, do you remember Job? Didn’t he lose it all; yet he never once stopped loving my creator, our Father and then supernaturally regained it all back two-fold?
You are more similar to each other than you are different. You are righteous by birthright. You are sons and daughters of the most High God. You are blessed beyond measure and just as I too didn’t understand “the why” that fateful day at Gethsemane, perhaps you too are perplexed today in your own gardens.

This isn’t a time of desperation, playing blame games, nor succumbing to fears. This is a time to remember God’s promises and grab on to them dearly as if it was your last day on Earth. Pick up your Bible and focus on the passages, the scriptures. 
I AM… holding onto my father’s promises and I wish you do the same. I am praying for all of the doctors, nurses, first responders, the mothers, fathers, children, animals, I am praying for all of you my brothers and sisters.
One thing I do know and this I promise you…I personally will never leave you nor forsake you…Yes it might seem like a tumultuous war right now, but all of your battles belong to our Father; and as I sit by His right hand, I can assure you He will keep his Word with you as He did with me!  Use me, pray through me, I will deliver all of your messages and yes, He is a good listener. 

Jolting up in bed and sweating profusely, Sadie struggles to catch her breath and again wonders if she is dreaming. Reaching across for Quinn’s reassuring arms, she sighs with relief at his soft breathing.
“But wait a minute”, she thinks, “Didn’t I just speak to Quinn a few hours ago?”  

New chapter

Palm Sunday is today and it’s the beginning of the third week of Quarantine.  Experts are telling us that this coming week will be brutal, ugly, and many people will lose their lives.  This COVID-19 virus is wreaking havoc and as of today, there are over 1,225,360, 66,542 death worldwide and many more are sure to come. 

By the end of the week, experts say, the numbers will petrify us and we must be prepared.

 “Fortunately for you, my Father’s will is that this coming Sunday I am resurrected,”

Sadie is again awake but this time, there is no fear nor worry.  There appears to be a calm as the grieving process unfolds.  The stages churning as does the Earth’s calmer vibrations.  Having read a newspaper report a few days ago, it makes so much sense to her.  We are all staying home, and even though the Earth is calmer now, people’s depression and anxiety is peaking.

She is normally a good sleeper, but lately, the pages in her mind turn like a strewn windblown book.  Still sipping her aloe blossom tea, , she writes to Quinn who thankfully is safe and sound in Cork. “It’s 8:15 or so out there,” she thinks, “perhaps I’ll just ring him.”

Reaching for the phone, she hesitates.  She’s not sure if she should continue with the relationship due to the distance and his past relationships which appear to have left him jaded. It’s so confusing sometimes but she knows that she loves him.  Seeing him run to her that day in Holy Head, as he ran after his errant little pooch melted her heart! The South Stack lighthouse, the magnificent view, the smells, the birds flying below as she stood atop the mountain; and the flowers that wonderful June day will forever be etched in her heart.

“Sadie, my dear Sadie,” he said, hugging her fervently that day.  Even though she was thousands of miles away from her home, there was a familiarity to his embrace as his pup licked her legs. 

She’s spoken to him about this confusion and about his hesitance one minute, then his love profession the next.   “I’ll probably end up all alone here in Cork,” he will say one minute; then the next, he’ll finish, “But I love you.” Shaking her head, Sadie continues with her tea and ponders writing to her editor.

He’s been dragging his feet with the expansion of her first book.  She wrote him a heartfelt letter about her true feelings regarding this and he might still be scathing or hurt, who knows!

The hot, soothing tea begins to take effect on her and the hums of the refrigerator behind her again remind her of the early-morning hour.  She must go to bed. 

Praying silently, she is reminded of a dream a few nights ago in which Jesus reassured her it was going to be okay.  A gentle whisper reminded her earlier tonight that resurrection Sunday will bring a turnaround to this pandemic. 

Deciding to write a poem instead, she will focus on her heart.

“Dancing butterflies across the silver moon, sun-drenched memories of Cork…and Holy Head.

A soothing sip of aloe blossom…ahhhhh!!!  Such a delight to the soul.

Flourishing thoughts amidst the moon and the stillness of amazing grace.

Welcoming the soft vibrations and a peaceful brain haze. 

She prays for a spirit of wisdom and revelation in which proper insight will be given to her.  Lately, she has enjoyed the dreams because it when she dreams, that she sees things clearly.

And today, as if on cue, Good Friday reminds us that this virus, so-called COVID-19 is no match for our king who promised us and cried that day on the cross, “It is Finished”

Sadie begins her day, believing that this will be the best day of the rest day of her life.


    • Matthew L. Atterberry

    • 4 years ago

    Today is the day we remember Jesus Christ death on THE CROSS. THE TOMB IS EMPTY because HE IS RISEN on EASTER MORN. Beautifully well written Maida and now in this time our FAITH is tested, but we as Christians will pass this test. I encourage everyone to read Maida’s book when its published because it will challenge you to think critically and know JESUS CHRIST IS GOD. PERIOD. END OF STORY.

    1. Thank you Matt for all of your support!!!💝

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