

I am excited to share with you my dear readers that I have just ordered my proof of my follow-up novel.

Enjoy the Prologue and MORE EXCITING NEWS to follow:


What I’m about to tell you is accurate. Nothing is made up. I am going to relate to you exactly as it was said to me by my client, Dr. Kelley. She came to me one fine winter day about four years ago, in 2018. That day, an attractive 50-something walked into my office, very chill, dressed casually, as she radiated confidence.

She voiced early on in our session that she had decided to reach out to a therapist because she felt her life was somewhat at a standstill. She had everything she needed. She was financially secure, was at the top of her profession, had a great family of origin, loved Jesus, had several meaningful friends, had finally published some of her writings, and was traveling the world.

I found her story fascinating from the start, and when she permitted me to share it with you, I couldn’t wait. You are about to read bits and pieces from our conversations and excerpts from the book she was drafting then.

Most of it is true, some could be fiction, and I believe you will know which is which in due time.

She clarified to me that she wasn’t looking for any psychotherapy. Instead, she wanted someone to listen to her and get feedback on her latest draft. You see, I am not only a psychiatrist but also a published author. So, I’m sure she did her homework, googled me, and knew everything by the time she walked into my office that fateful day.

“Perhaps as our sessions unravel, Dr. Adame, you will make some impressions of a diagnosis,” she smiled warmly at me, “but being a psychiatrist and in my field, so to speak, do you ever wonder if there is a difference between a dream and actual living?”

That poignant question made quite an impression on me. I, too, had at times wondered about that exact matter. The first thing she shared with me was the manuscript she was drafting. The exciting thing I must note here is that her main protagonist was Dr. Kelley.

Hmmm, perhaps As I continued speaking to her, things would unfold and make sense.

One Comment

    • Maida Mascorro

    • 1 year ago

    Join me and my readers as we begin to share thoughts about this exciting follow-up novel!

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