
I am currently writing my second book after Angels I’ve Met Along the Way.  Dr. Kelly finds herself running in heaven.  Has she passed?  Is she dreaming?  What is this bombardment of emotion? pexels-photo-45718.jpeg


    • Dr. Allen

    • 6 years ago

    Sounds awesome! Will Sarah be there, too? Do you have any poems of Heaven you wrote (or are currently writing) to include in the story? Since Dr. Kelly suddenly found herself in Heaven while running, will she see Marc Bloom there (author of the original “Runner’s Bible” first published 80 years ago)? He suddenly found himself in Heaven while running, too. Looking forward. Cheers. Dr. Allen

    1. Ahhhh….now I see how to respond. Not sure if Sarah will be there initially. Yes, I’ve already written several poems about heaven. I need to check Mr. Bloom out, thanks for that info. Thank you so much Dr. Allen for guiding me throughout this process. You truly are one of my angels!!!

        • Dr. Allen

        • 6 years ago

        Correction on my comment concerning Marc Bloom, author of “The Runner’ Bible,” who is credited with starting the whole modern exercise craze of running. I just now realized that I mixed him up with Jim Fixx, a highly popular author who started the “jogging” fitness movement. The popularity of jogging took a major hit for a while when Jim Fixx, suddenly dropped dead from heart failure while jogging in 1984. He was only 52 at the time. The mega-bestselling book by Jim Fixx had a title similar to the famous book by Marc Bloom, but Fixx’s book was titled, “The Complete Book of Running.” It’s easy to get the two mixed up, but fortunately for Marc Bloom’s sake, I believe he is still alive. Jim Fixx was actually more famous and his book received higher ratings. He just didn’t get to enjoy his popularity as long, but hopefully Jim is now enjoying eternity jogging through the awesomely beautiful gold-paved streets of Heaven.

        1. Oh of course, I remember reading about Jim Fixx…glad to know you are reading the comments. I’m learning the site and one ?: Do other readers read our private comments?

            • Dr. Allen

            • 6 years ago

            Hello Dr. Maida. Yes, others can read our private comments because on a blog they are not private. This is Web 2.0 where everyone can be involved and there are no secrets. However, you as the administrator have the right and the power to decide what comments are approved or disapproved. When you are open to the world with your heart and soul on your sleeve, there are always those who can and will make inappropriate comments that are detrimental to your followers, your message, your beliefs, and your website. You have and should exercise the right to winnow the chaff from the grains.

          1. Thank you. This is good to know. 😉

    2. Hi Doc, not sure if you are receiving my messages, but yes, let’s talk about the book. And thanks for letting me know about Marc Bloom. 😉

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