

At a church nearby my home in McAllen, Texas, there is a display of statues that depicts the events leading up to the crucifixion of Jesus.    I see people strolling through the park often; therefore, on Easter Sunday, as I was finishing my mini- 4-mile ride,  I decided to meditate at this park.  As I rode around the statue trail, I imagined the torture he was to endure and what Jesus must’ve felt knowing that his fate would soon come to fruition.

I’ve lived a noble and amazing life (thanks to Him) full of love and serenity from my family, yet I too have felt pain and suffering, but mine pales in comparison.   As I stopped at different stations talking to Jesus,  I felt a peace that “surpasses all understanding” as the Word reminds us in the book of Philippians.

Mind you, the last time I had gone on a bike ride, was during the previous Thanksgiving.  Bicycling isn’t my first choice of exercise; but during the major holidays, my gym is closed; therefore I enjoy the freedom that a bicycle brings me.

That Thanksgiving day, I tumbled off my bicycle (trying to do what kids do: lift up the bicycle from the handlebars and “jump” onto the curb). Lo and behold, my bike didn’t budge and off I went: sliding sideways unto the nearby dirt path. I had a nice strawberry for a week or so to prove it too! (Imagine it in slow motion.)

As I readied myself to head back home this past Sunday, I felt a bit anxious having to cross a major street and having to again “jump” this curb.  As a kid, I remember zigzagging in and out of curves, trees, cats, and even pedestrians, but those days are over; if you know what I mean!

“Come on Maida, why are you afraid,” I thought to myself, “Where is your faith…Didn’t you just have a heartfelt and thankful conversation with Jesus?”

But yes, these anxious thoughts vaguely followed me as I pedaled home.  With my headphones on, listening to a sermon, I carefully followed the bike trail, glancing backward for cars.  Suddenly, out of my left eye, a shiny pendant on a thin black nylon rope caught my eye!! I turned around, stooped down, and as I reached for it, I realized it was a small crucifix!

Wow, just like that, I knew that God had spoken and reassured me again.  I smiled and tucked it safely in my jacket. Adjusting myself and making room for Him, I rode home like the kid that I still am.

I will cherish this necklace for the rest of my life.  I will take it with me everywhere I go from this day forth and I will proclaim to anybody who wishes to listen that God DOES keep his promises!


“This shall be the sign to you from the Lord, that the Lord will do this thing that He has spoken.”

—Isaiah 38:7


    • Matthew Lloyd Atterberry

    • 3 years ago

    God (Jesus Christ) has unique and amazing ways of speaking to us. The question is “Are we listening?” This story by Maida Mascorro is a perfect example of Jesus has a way of speaking in amazing that you must be in a position to listen when it is still. Jesus Christ will never ever go back on HIS WORD. HIS LOVE is readily available at all times and HE will do the same for you like what HE did for Maida Mascorro that Sunday afternoon. Just trust HIM & have faith (Father Almighty I Trust HIM & that HIM is JESUS CHRIST).

    1. Yes and amen. Thank you for your thoughts. xx00xx

    • Ludivina Garcia

    • 3 years ago

    Amazing. Remember I too found a Cross under unusual circumstances on an Easter Sunday afternoon a few years ago. I related the story in a post here a few months ago. Any time I find myself in need of Spiritual Help I think of that day and the message He sent.

    1. Yes ma’am I do…God is absolutely amazing!!! 😉

    • Doris Corro

    • 3 years ago

    Amen I too believe ….god is great🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

    1. Yes He is Doris…xx00xx

    • Mary Ellen Greenlee

    • 3 years ago

    Àmen and Àmen! Indeed.. He is the light that shines and guides our path! What an awesome revelation! Thank you Sistarrrrfriend! For sharing this amazing testimony! And yes.. never alone.. our heavenly angels are always by our side!Blessings🙏❤️

    1. Absolutely…always amazing!!! xx00xx

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