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I’ve written several books up to now and am currently working on several more. Below are the synopses: Books 1 and 2 are a series.

Descriptions of my other written works coming soon!!!!

From Book 1: Angels I’ve Met Along the Way (available in English, Spanish, and Audiobooks)

Romance, family, and faith are three words that summarize the fascinating story of Dr. Kelley and her new patient Sarah. A mystery exists between them and the more they discover about each other, the more they usher in major life-changing experiences. Yet in a world where stories are too often dark, this is an uplifting book.
More than just a good read, Angels I’ve Met Along the Way is a self-help novel that offers beneficial advice to individuals and couples; and at far less than the price of counseling. Written by a doctor of counseling psychology, this poetic novel is about relationships and the importance of family. Told in beautiful prose, it dares to answer the deepest questions of modern couples:
Why do women wrongly base self-esteem on having a relationship? How important is personal space and solace in a healthy relationship? What can a person legitimately expect of a partner and what does one have no right to expect?
While novels of prose and romance might not attract as many male readers, any man who ever felt frustrated over wondering how women think can gain a major advantage from reading this book, which provides deep insight into the feminine psyche. Moreover, anyone who’s ever wanted to know what a professional counseling session is like will find this novel more than useful.
Other burning relationship questions answered: Is there such a thing as love at first sight and can such love work? Although opposites attract, when is a partner too different? What are the important psychological differences between men and women that ladies need to understand? When is a relationship considered too unhealthy to continue?
A deeply spiritual book, Angels I’ve Met Along the Way breaks ground where angels dare not tread by discussing the “Bible vs. Sex,” Shame, Guilt, and exploring that controversial space between religious precepts and the healthy desire of unmarried couples wanting to physically consummate their love. Sprinkled refreshingly with scriptures, this book is not religious but is spiritual, a perfect gift for any soul needing to regain their former faith. This book even boldly answers the question that poets have sought in vain for centuries to define, “What is love?”

Book 2: All Roads Lead to Heaven

In Dr. Mascorro’s highly anticipated sequel, All Roads Lead to Heaven, readers are taken on a journey with protagonist Dr. Adame as he listens to the fascinating story of his client, Dr. Kelley. Dr. Kelley is an accomplished and successful woman who seemingly has everything she needs in life. However, she feels like her life is at a standstill and seeks out the help of a therapist to get feedback on her latest book draft.

As Dr. Adame listens to Dr. Kelley’s story, readers are transported into her world, where they will follow her as she searches for answers to her vivid and fragmented dreams. Along the way, her relationships continue to evolve, and she embarks on several cruises worldwide. But as the world is ravaged by the COVID-19 pandemic and lawlessness and sin become rampant, the world’s mental health is also in crisis.

As Dr. Kelley continues on her journey, it isn’t until she arrives in Old Jerusalem, Israel, that fragments begin to come together, and she finds a thread that leads her to her “True North.” Will she finally find the answers she’s been searching for? And will she have a face-to-face conversation with Jesus, as she hopes to? Readers will be captivated by Dr. Kelley’s story and will be left pondering the age-old question: is there a difference between a dream and actual living?

You may buy these two books on my website by navigating to the Buy My Books section.

Please comment as you read them and I thank you greatly.


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