
…I wrote a blog about how then-President Trump was being ridiculed,
persecuted, vilified, hated and how we conservatives who voted for him were
being treated about the same, if not worse.  Would you believe that an “ex” of mine (who happens to be African American) called me a racist because I voted for him?  It was a pretty sad time then for me.  

After that blog, I stayed away from writing about Politics because you know
what they say about politics and religion, right?

Fast-forward to today, 5/31/24, and I’m not sad anymore; I’m pretty ecstatic
that he has now been convicted of an obscure and unprecedented crime. A crime
that most Americans agree is nothing but a “political sham.” 

A crime that will most likely catapult him into winning the 2024 Presidential
election in less than six months from now!

You see, our democracy has been under attack from the Left since Obama won
in 2008. The division didn’t start with Trump, as many Democrats believe; it
started with Obama. Then Hillary tried to follow suit, but you know the
rest of that story and how the American people spoke at the polls then.

If you want to fact-check me, go ahead. If you want to attack me, go ahead.
If you want to hate on me, go ahead. 

“Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a d..n,” as Clark Gable so
famously uttered one day.

Why? Because I’m fed up with the Democratic Party Progressive Left and
Established Liberals’ ideas of right and wrong. I’m fed up with the idea of
liberal views on virtually every issue and their support of far-reaching
changes to address racial injustice and expand our society’s safety net. 

All the while, we, the American people, are at the bottom of their priorities! 

I’m a true-blue Patriot who knows that Trump represents us blue-collar
workers who have toiled all our lives. We prove this is the land of the free
and the “American dream.” Or is it?

One wouldn’t believe it as it now stands, given the devastating changes that
have taken place since Biden took office in 2020. Did he steal the election? I
don’t think so, but I do believe that his administration (the white-collar
elitist) did everything in its power to ensure that its narrative was executed.

And now, look at our country! Just knock on your neighbors’ doors and ask
how they are doing economically, mentally, spiritually, and physically compared
to four years ago.    

So yes, my dear, today, I am ecstatic that Donald Trump was convicted
yesterday! Of what? Your guess is as good as mine. Why? Because the lies of the
enemy have been exposed, and we Conservatives have had enough! 

See you at the polls, and don’t forget to keep the light on for us!

P.S. For those of you who believe Trump began the “MAGA” movement,
think again and go do your research!


    • Mary Ellen Greenlee

    • 1 month ago

    Short and sweet! And down to the point!God bless America and his creation! Pray for world peace.Love and blessings.🙏💕

    1. Yes sistafriend…we must pray for our country now more than ever. xxx000xxx

    • Ruby garza

    • 1 month ago

    WOW! What a great read. God bless you.

    1. Thank you Ms. Ruby, it’s important we understand before we vote this coming election. Have a blessed day and let’s pray for our country.

    • Ruby garza

    • 1 month ago

    For sure always. I left up president Biden and his family. Even though I don’t agree with his decisions I will lift him up. That is what my God wants me to do for him. We only in this season for a while. Praise God. I also definitely lift up President Trump, Melania and their family. Regardless of who is in office I will continue to look up to the one that ordains all things. He knows where we at and He placed us in this time. He knew we could by His grace. To him be all the glory.

    1. Well-said Ruby! All the honor and the Praise belongs only to God!

    • Dr. Matthew Lloyd Atterberry

    • 1 month ago

    Powerful and well written post Maida Isable Mascorro. We need to be very mindful on how the media can put a spin on certain things that makes innocent people guilty and guilty people innocent. We must always pray for our elected officials on the local, state, and national level. Remember, God is sovereign over world politics. I have learned everyone is flawed and God can utilize anybody he sees fit so that HE gets the glory and credit. I like the quote from Malcolm X included at the end. Although I do not agree with his religious view, he does make a valid point about the media. He also reminds us that a man that stands for nothing will fall for anything. We need to lift up Former President Trump and his family in prayer!!!!!!! God is going to utilize Former President Trump in some shape or form to bring America into good standing.

    1. Great insight Matthew and you are correct. Thank you for taking the time to read my post and your comments.

      • Ruby garza

      • 4 weeks ago

      Amen. Praise God.

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