


Biblically…7 types of love exist:

–Eros…romantic love.

–Philia…affectionate love.

–Storge…familiar love.


–Pragma…enduring love.

–Ludas…playful love.

–Agape…unconditional love.

Biblically…the number “7” represents COMPLETION.


Perceivable excuses to NOT be completely in LOVE this year=0.

It does begin with Philautia and ends with _____.

Your choice.

Spread it!!! Holler it!!! then Spread it some more.

Happy 2023 💕💕


    • Matthew L. Atterberry

    • 2 years ago

    For me, my choice will be agape love. The reason I chose agape love is because if you have self-love self-compassion, then you will be able to love others unconditionally. This also leads to displaying empathy for and toward others. Without self-love self-compassion, the other 6 types of love becomes insignificant and meaningless. Let’s exhibit love the right way in 2023 starting with Philautia love self-love self compassion and end with agape love.

    1. Great thoughts, Matthew. God is good and this year you will flourish!!! Much love and peace to you.

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